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Veksthuset Dønna is an alternative meeting place in the former Grønaas garden center. We  are Frode Grønaas and Ann-Kristin Johansen.

Courses and energy collections have been run for many years in the greenhouse. Here, many have been gathered, meditated and worked with energies, and an alternative fair has been arranged here for 10 years.  

Here we offer healing and reading, conversation therapy, meditation and energy gatherings, both for beginners and advanced. We hope you will come to experience the Greenhouse and the fantastic energies that have been built up here at Skaga in Dønna, over many years.

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Ann-Kristin Johansen

My name is Ann-Kristin and I have written two channeled books by the archangel Michael. Heavenly conversations in new times and the Way, the truth and the life. (See review of the books under the books tab here on the website). I heal and channel. Through partial healing and partial channeling, the energies that block the energy pathways in the body are released and that create mental or physical ailments. Contact me on mobile for an appointment.

Frode Grønaas

My name is Frode, and I have been practicing healing for over 20 years. My experience is that old energies settle in the body and create imbalance. It is therefore important to release the old energies in order to move on.  I have extensive experience as a healer and conversation therapist. Contact me on mobile for an appointment

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