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In meditation, I am told by the archangel Michael to write a book. I have nothing I want to say. He came in several meditations and said that I should write a book, and he gave me the title, Heavenly Conversations in New Times. But there is already a famous author who has written books called Heavenly Conversations.   These are Heavenly conversations IN NEW TIME, Mikael replied. I let myself be channeled by two different media, both said: "it looks like you are going to write a book". This was the beginning of the book. I never knew in advance what topic would come. When I sat down at the computer  and opened up the universe, the information came at a rapid pace. The book is not edited or filtered. The book is both enlightening and instructive, and addresses topics from the past, present and future. 


Excerpts from the book:


Who is responsible? What are you responsible for? You are responsible for your own life. For millennia you have blamed God when something in life has gone wrong, but you are all responsible for your own life. What you do to others you get in diversity again. What you send out of energies you get diversity back from. If you send out negative energy, negative energies will come to you. If you send out positive energies, positive energies will come to you. You are therefore responsible for sending out positive energies, for creating positive energies. Who is responsible for what is wrong in the world? You are responsible. You are all responsible. You send out negative energies, you send out resentment, envy and hatred. You receive the same feelings you send out, and are therefore at war with each other. Send out positive energies, then first you take responsibility for your life and can say, I am responsible for me and the people I associate with, the people I meet and the people I have met. To be responsible is to act. To act on what is right, what does not cause suffering, then you are responsible to yourself and others. 
If you take the wrong actions, you must follow the consequences of the action. If your actions go wrong, it is because you have committed wrong actions, it is your responsibility, not someone else's. You may experience that wrong things happen without you having performed wrong actions. You are a soul responsible for your soul. The soul is a part of the person you have chosen to become. When you chose a human being, you chose the fate of this human being, and the experiences it would experience. In your soul plan, you have planned actions and lives with others with whom you have lived lives in the past. You have planned together what experiences you will have together. In your current life, you will therefore feel that life may be unfair, but the truth is that you yourself have been involved in planning it. You decided in your soul plan that you should learn, take responsibility. You have therefore been exposed to incidents that are difficult to understand, and do not think you can be held responsible for. You can not do that in this life either, you have to learn from your destiny, it is difficult. You have more lives to learn from, until you have risen in dimensions. When you understand, you take responsibility, then the ring is over and you no longer have to live more lives to learn this experience. There are opportunities to live several lives to understand other spiritual aspects, what you have understood you do not experience several times. For every time you understand your own soul and your actions, feel responsible and advance your soul, you will take a step up into higher dimensions. Next time life goes against you, ask yourself, what am I going to learn or understand in this experience. Go into your soul and find the answer there. Then you will see that God has always been with you and watched over you. You act on your own responsibility and your own plans. God can not interfere or break the agreements you have at the soul level. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to learn and rise.

In light and love the archangel Michael.

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